Announcement of Getty Conservation Project for Bagan Ceremony

Announcement of Getty Conservation Project for Bagan  Ceremony was held in Myin- Pya- Gu Temple at 9:00 am in Bagan yesterady. Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Kyi Min and Minister for Planning and Finance of Mandalay Region made  opening remarks In this ceremony. In addition, Mr. Tim Whalen John,  Director of Getty Conservation Institute explained action plans to be implanted for the Temple. Afterwards, invitee guests observed the inside of Myin- Pya- Gu Temple.

The Getty Conservation Institute of Los Angeles will begin a long term commitment in Bagan to conserve and protect ancient cultural heritage with the support of Department of Archaeology and National Museum under the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture. The Getty project will include a number of case studies that will be used to inform future conservation efforts in Bagan and elsewhere. One of the first buildings to be studied will be Myin- Pya –Gu, an expensive and picturesque temple,  that has been closed to the public for several years due to conservation concerns.

 Getty Conservation Institute will provide training in international best practice to support the Department of Archaeology and National Museum as it seeks to build the capacity of its staff.  Getty will begin its work in Bagan in January 2020 while it finalizes 10 years long term project  details with the Ministry.